Step 2 - Opening A New Search (Starter Plan)

Updated by Taylor Bold

Open a Search on Fetcher

The first step to finding your profiles for your next role is to open a search. To get started from the Dashboard, click on New Search to start the processing of opening a New Search.

how to open a search

The first question "How will you source?" refers to the two types of searches on Fetcher - "Fetcher Leads & Self-Sourced Leads"

Please be advised that for Starter Plan users, you will only be given access to the "Self-Sourced" type.

With "Self Sourced", you will enjoy sourcing to Fetcher Database and through our Fetcher Extension.

To know more about the difference between "Fetcher Leads & Self-Sourced Leads", feel free to check out this article.

If you also want to enjoy our Fetcher Leads feature and curious about additional features available on our other plan types, you can see and compare all plans here.

Complete the basic criteria for the search including target locations, target job titles, required skills, target industry, and experience

When ready, click Submit to open the search

Setup Email Templates

After submission, you will be taken to the template page for your new search. Go ahead and edit these to make the outreach your own.

If you don't have time to do so right this minute, you can always get back to that by clicking on "Email Templates" in the sidebar or using the Template Tab on the Search

Once you make it back to your dashboard you'll now see your new position there.

opening a search

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