Managing responses

Managing your responses

Now that you've started reaching out to people, responses will start coming in. You can of course manage these through your regular inbox, but Fetcher makes it really easy to do so on our platform, and keep all your conversations with candidates in one place.

Viewing your conversations

You can find your responses under the Contacts heading in the left side panel, and there are four presets:

  • All
  • Scheduled
  • Responded Needed
  • Interested

To see your responses, click on "Responded":

responce needed

If you want to move to a specific search, you can use the dropdown at the top. Similarly, to see a subset, you can use the second drop down to do so.

drop down searches

Responding to someone

To reply to someone, simply click on the "Reply" button when looking at a thread:

reply click

and then craft your considered and poetic reply, using the formatting options and variables as needed:

this is a reply
Added bonus to managing responses on our platform? Anyone that's on the position will be able to monitor the responses and reply on behalf of the email sender.

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