The Best Types of Email Campaigns

Updated by Taylor Bold

If you are looking for support on how to create a campaign, check out this helpful article

Connect with past candidates on upcoming roles

Using Fetcher's campaign tool, you can easily connect with candidates from prior searches that were great fits for past roles.

  1. Draft out your email copy prior to creating the campaign for your email sequence
  2. Create a catchy campaign name and filter profiles based on past searches

  1. Target profiles based on their past activity. Example - "Interested" and "Good Fit" would work as these are profiles that were liked and expressed interest
Using the "Good Fit" filter will typically expand the potential profiles while "Good Fit" and "Interested" will typically narrow the profiles for the campaign
  1. Create the campaign and update the email sequence prior to starting the campaign. Since this is announcing new roles, a 3-4 sequence email would be effective here

Create and maintain a captive audience around the company and the brand

Did you hit a major company update or milestone? Share it with your talent community through Fetcher to generate excitement and recognition

  1. Draft out your email copy prior to creating the campaign for your email sequence
  2. Create a clear campaign name and filter profiles based on past searches in Fetcher
  3. Target profiles based on their past interactions. Example - "Contacted" and "Responded" filters would show profiles that were contact and sent a response to a search
  1. Create the campaign and update the email sequence prior to starting the campaign. For milestone updates, awareness is key, so sending 1-2 emails as a sequence is a best practice.

Invite potential talent to recruitment and networking events

If you are hosting an in-person or virtual recruitment event, adding the event link into a Fetcher email campaign is a great way to connect with potential candidates

  1. Draft out your email copy prior to creating the campaign for your email sequence
  2. Create a campaign name with the event name and filter profiles based on past searches in Fetcher. For in-person events, filters could be helpful to add too
  3. Target profiles based on their past interactions. Example - "Contacted" and "Responded" filters would show profiles that were contact and sent a response to a search

  1. Create the campaign and update the email sequence prior to starting the campaign. Ensure to add the event link in the email. An event campaign should have between 3-4 emails to be effective.

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