How to Archive/Un-Archive Leads

Archiving leads removes them from view in the position - this can be useful if you have already transferred them to an ATS, if they are not interested, or if you just want them out of sight.

The archive button can be found on the lead card by clicking "+" at the bottom right then selecting Archive Candidate.

You can also Archive from the Fetcher inbox, for instance after a candidate has already been scheduled for the next steps. Just click the ellipses (...) to the top right of the thread, then Archive Candidate.

Archived Candidates will be moved to the archived folder. This can be found by clicking the dropdown on either page > Review Status > Archived, or in your search dashboard > More > Archived. So, if you change your mind about them later you can always find them and Unarchive. as well.

Archiving instantly ends the email sequence for that candidate, so if they are in an active campaign wait to archive until they've received all their emails.
Your email with a candidate you archived will also be removed from your queue or inbox.

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