Teamtailor Integration

Updated by Support Team


You can integrate your Teamtailor account with Fetcher by going to Settings in the left toolbar and clicking Integrations.

Then select Teamtailor.

Fetcher fully supports the Teamtailor integration This means the integration includes deduping, as well as sending Candidates to Teamtailor .

To initiate the connection, enter your API key when prompted:

Can't find your API Key? Teamtailor has provided the below instructions to find or create your API key:

Submit your API key, and Fetcher will begin establishing the connection.

Upon connection, you will now see Teamtailor listed in your Integrations, with Teamtailor Triggers available for use.

Uploading Leads Manually

To manually upload simply click the '+' icon at the bottom right of the candidate card.

> If you choose Send to Teamtailor as Prospect, the lead will be sent to Teamtailor as a General Application.

> If you choose Send to Teamtailor as Candidate, you will be able to select the job in Teamtailor you want to send the lead to.

Uploading Leads Automatically

You can find your Automation Settings by going to Settings > Integrations .

Note that you will see all the positions you have access to, however, you will only be able to set the automation for those positions that you own.To the right of each position you will be able to specify when and where you want to upload your leads.

Step 1: Tell us when

Use the drop-down menu beside the word Auto-Send to choose at which point you would like leads to be uploaded to Teamtailor. You can choose to upload at any of 4 points in the process. Those are:

  1. All New Candidates - When you receive a batch all will be automatically uploaded.
  2. On Like - When you 'like' a lead while giving feedback.
  3. On Contact - When an email is sent to the lead.
  4. On Reply - When a lead replies to an outreach.
  5. On Interested - When Fetcher AI determines that a response indicates interest.

Step 2: Tell us where

When you have decided the point at which you would like your leads to be uploaded, you can then choose where these leads will be sent in Teamtailor.

  • If you select Prospect, then your leads will be sent to Prospects in Teamtailor.
  • If you select a specific job position, then your leads will be sent to that position in Teamtailor.
If you have multiple positions to choose from, you can simply type the position's name into the text box and it will appear in the dropdown.
Step 3: Activate!

In order to activate these settings, you must toggle the On button so that it appears blue.

You probably noticed the All of my positions automation setting. By clicking this, you can upload leads automatically for all of your positions in one go. These leads will appear as General Applications in Teamtailor.


If you wish to unsync your Teamtailor account with Fetcher, simply disconnect it from your Integration page.

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